WAH is the name for collaborative work of Anja Weber, Jagna Anderson and Dodi Helschinger. Since 2016 we keep criss-crossing together various artistic fields and creating new polyphonies out of dance, acoustic and electronic music, vocal performance, poetry, video and installation. We explore intersections between body and its different multisensorial contextualizations. We are combining improvisation and instant composition with scores.
Amorphous Alloy 2.0 at NOW! 05-05-2017
Amorphous alloys are metallic materials with a glass-like structure and astonishing properties. Used as biomaterial for implantation into bones, metallic glass dissolves gradually in organisms and is replaced with bone tissue … We explore possible meeting points between (female) body and machine, melting electronics, poetry, vocals, body/movement and spacial structures into a performative amorphous alloy.

With text “amorphe legierung” by Dodi Helschinger, and music by Mila Chiral

At 2017 NOW! Festival — Action Theater™ & Improvisation, 2-7 May, Studio Verlin (CONSTANZA MACRAS / DORKY PARK).


pictures by Susanne Soldan


8. May 2017